Friday, November 09, 2007

LabSafe November Newsletter

What's new from LabSafe?

Ever wonder what those lab tests at your doctor's office are? We here at LabSafe think it's important to understand medical laboratory tests and we encourage everyone to have appropriate screening tests performed. In this newsletter you will find information on a few lab tests, written by our professional medical staff here at LabSafe.
LabSafe is a direct access, direct to consumer lab testing company, staffed by licensed Medical Doctors and Nurses. Direct access laboratory testing is a new concept. LabSafe has nationwide contracts with major CLIA-certified clinical laboratories. All of our laboratories are certified at both the federal and state level, are approved by the FDA, and perform the same standard tests that are offered through a hospital or doctor's office. Unlike "at home" kits, LabSafe's nationwide network of Patient Services Centers are actual laboratories and draw stations, staffed by certified phlebotomists, experts in blood drawing. With more than 7,000 draw stations nationwide, we are confident we can provide you with a convenient location. Call us toll free at 1-888-333-LABS to find the draw station nearest you.
Because we offer the same high quality tests as your doctor's office or hospital with an emphasis on convenience and privacy, you're more likely to schedule regular testing that could help you maintain or improve your health.
With LabSafe, there's no reason to wait for an opening in your doctor's schedule. Draw appointments can be scheduled on the same day of your call and typically take less than 30 minutes of you valuable time.
The next time you need to have a blood test or urine test, call us toll free at 1-888-333-LABS to check our low prices and receive and additional 10% off! You can also visit our website at to check prices and learn more about lab testing.
With LabSafe, testing is confidential, convenient, reliable, and affordable. Call us today at 1-888-333-LABS and take advantage of your LabSafe Preferred Membership!

Prolactin is a peptide hormone primarily associated with lactation. Prolactin is produced from the anterior pituitary gland, it's found in the serum of normal females and males. Prolactin levels may be checked as part of a sex hormone workup, as elevated prolactin secretion can suppress the secretion of Follicle Stimulating Hormone and GnRH (Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone), leading to hypogonadism, and sometimes causing erectile dysfunction in men.
Prolactin should be checked to find the cause of abnormal nipple discharge, or if a woman is not having periods (amenorrhea) or if a woman is having a hard time becoming pregnant, or in a man when a pituitary gland problem is suspected. In addition, a prolactin test may be done to check levels if a man lacks sexual desire or if he has a hard time having an erection. Prolactin levels may be checked when a man's testosterone levels are low, also when a tumor in the pituitary gland is suspected.
The American Cancer Society has stated “(Recent evidence suggests that prolactin may be positively associated with postmenopausal breast cancer risk)”.
As with any test, abnormal results must be followed up with a Physician.

Insulin-like Growth Factor – 1 (IGF)

Insulin-like Growth Factor - 1, sometimes called IGF1, is made by the liver, "triggered" by Human Growth Hormone, and responsible for much of what is attributed to human growth hormone. Testing should be done to identify diseases and conditions caused by deficiencies and overproduction of growth hormone (GH), to evaluate pituitary function, and to monitor the effectiveness of GH treatment.
In adults, abnormally low levels of GH and/or IGF-1 may cause subtle, nonspecific symptoms such as decreased bone density, fatigue, adverse lipid changes, and reduced exercise tolerance.
In adults, abnormally high levels of GH and/or IGF-1 may cause deepened, husky voice, enlarged organs - liver, heart, kidneys, and spleen, enlarged tongue, erectile dysfunction, headaches and visual disturbances, joint pain and swelling, and menstrual cycle irregularities. This is a simply blood test. As with all tests any abnormal results should be reviewed with your Primary Physician.

To purchase a Blood Test for Prolactin Levels or IGF-1 test simply order online at LabSafe at or respectively, or visit our website at

For more information, or to speak with a member of our professional Medical Staff, call LabSafe toll free at 1-888-333-LABS.